Accessibility: a barrier free environment

A: General Concept


One of the other general principles (Article 3 (f)) of the UN CRPD is the concept of Accessibility. In Article 9 the UN CRPD states the responsibility of government “to ensure to persons with disabilities access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communications…, and to other facilities and services open or provided to the public, both in urban and in rural areas”.

What do we mean by accessibility?

Accessibility is broadly understood as an ability to access or benefit from any product, device, service or environment. If a product, service or environment is accessible, it means that all people with and without disabilities can access it without facing any barrier.

In 2013, the United Nations High-level Meeting on Disability and Development stressed the importance of ensuring accessibility for inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of development.

The definition of accessibility is that a person is able to:

Framework for Ensuring Accessibility

The Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities considers accessibility as a cross-cutting issue that enables persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of society.

The Convention promotes accessibility in:

B: Barrier-free access

Accessibility is a very important core element of disability inclusion. An accessible barrier-free environment is a very important step towards fulfilling the rights of people with disabilities to participate in all areas of community life.

A barrier-free environment means more than just physical access such as the building of ramps, but needs to be taken much broader.

In a society that offers all its members appropriate and equal access to transportation, technology, housing, services and community infrastructure, people with disabilities have more chances to develop their skills and contribute to communal life. 

This can mean making reasonable accommodations – small adjustments to the environment to make it more friendly to persons with all types of abilities.

People with visual impairments

Accessibility Needs

People with hearing and / or speech impairments

People with intellectual impairments and/or learning disabilities

People with physical impairment (difficulty walking)

People with physical impairment (difficulty using arms and hands)

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