Below you find a selection of frequently asked questions and answers on higher education and disability inclusion. The FAQ list is regularly updated. In case you do not find the answer to your question below, feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can top management become aware of the needs of students and staff with disabilities?

    Creating awareness on disability and the needs of students and staff with disabilities with top university management starts with creating urgency and drawing attention to the topic. Advocacy is often needed, from a rights-based perspective and with an approach that is not accusatory, but one that; 1) leverages existing university policies and systems, 2) identifies gaps that could be improved and identifies opportunities and/or 3) partners that could support the university to become more disability inclusive. In doing so, it is imperative to consult and work together with Organizations of People with Disabilities (OPDs), other disability support structures and associations of students with disabilities.

  • Where can I learn sign language?

    Just like there is no single spoken language used all over the world, there is no universal sign language. Sign language varies from country to country and even some regions and/or population groups within a country can have different signs. Currently, there are over 300 different types of sign language used around the world.
    However, this should not discourage you! Learning the most common sign language that is widely understood in your country/region is a start. It is possible to learn basics of sign language such as the alphabet and commonly used signs including greetings through online clips and videos.
    If you would like to become more fluent and be able to hold meaningful conversations in sign language, you will need formal training and lots of practice.
    Search online and find out if there are any sign language training centres in your city/area. You can also contact a local organisation of people with hearing impairments in your city/area for more information. Good luck! Reach out and let us know about your progress.

  • How can I budget for students with disabilities?

    There is no one-size-fits-all approach to budgeting for disability inclusion, however, there are a few tips to enable you to factor in the needs of students with disabilities in learning and in a number of activities on campus. Refer to CapAble article on Inclusive Budgeting and learn more on how to budget for inclusion from the experience of the Scholars Program at University of Gondar. An Inclusive budgeting tool for Scholars Program partners will also be available soon! Subscribe for more updates!

  • How can the university set up disability inclusive programs?

    Disability inclusion goes beyond being open to, and accepting admissions from students with disabilities. Attention also needs to be paid to systems and processes within the university that play a big role in creating an enabling environment for the students with disabilities enrolled. Refer to this section to learn more about the pillars that make an inclusive Scholars Program. While the pillars were formulated with the Scholars Program set up in mind, they apply to any kind of educational programming.

  • Where can I get more information on support for lecturers and teachers on how to teach in an inclusive manner?
    Because of variations in courses that students with disabilities may pursue, coupled with differences in teaching methodologies, course curricula, learning needs, and resources available at higher education institutions, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Supporting teachers to adequately include students with different types of impairments will require a systematic approach starting off at institutional level. The scholars Program is in the process of piloting a systems change approach to disability inclusion in higher education. More information will be provided at a later stage. That said, CapAble is currently being updated with a number of tools and resources on this topic; regularly check our How-to Guides, information on different types of impairments, best practices and printable resources for more information. A number of other online resources also exist around adapting learning material for inclusion of students with different types of impairments (these will be included under the useful links page as much as possible).  Subscribe to CapAble for more updates!
  • How can I include students with disabilities in my lectures?
    The first step to including students with disabilities in your lecturers is learning more about the basic concepts around disability , understanding the barriers that people with disabilities face, as well as different types of impairments and their inclusion needs. This information will enable you to understand and pick up on what you can do in your role to create an inclusive environment for both students and fellow staff members with disabilities. CapAble has a range of resources and articles to help you along your inclusion journey! Do refer to the platform often and use the chat function to let us know any more information requests that you may have.
  • What does inclusive communication mean?
    Inclusive communication relates to all modes of communication including written information, online information, telephone, and face to face. It involves sharing information in a way that everybody can understand and implies the use of tools that are necessary for supporting specific communication needs of an individual with disabilities. Refer to the CapAble page on Inclusive Communication, the UN Communication Guidelines for more information.
  • How can I become disability inclusive as a staff member?

    The first step to being disability inclusive is learning more about the basic concepts around disability and understanding the barriers that people with disabilities face. This information will enable you to understand and pick up on what you can do in your role to create an inclusive environment for both students and fellow staff members with disabilities. CapAble has a range of resources and articles to help you along your inclusion journey! Do refer to the platform often and use the chat function to let us know any more information requests that you may have.

  • What is the difference between a disability and an impairment?

    Impairment is the loss of a function of the body while a disability is an impairment combined with barriers in society. Learn more here.

  • What does disability inclusion mean for a higher education institution?

    Disability inclusion in a higher education institution would mean taking a number of deliberate, and systematic actions to adapt systems, policies and processes; remove barriers that may exist and hinder the active participation of people with disabilities as students or staff and building internal capacity on disability inclusion for sustainability. In this section, we break down the pillars of an inclusive Scholars Program which may apply directly (or with minor adaptations) to fit a higher education institution. Reach out through the chat feature for more information.

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