2 minutes read

USIU-Africa: Accessible Transportation

side view of a bus

United States International University-Africa (USIU-AFRICA) in Nairobi, Kenya prides itself in being the most diverse university in East and Central Africa and one of the leading private Universities in Kenya representing over 70 nationalities undertaking 29 Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctoral programs. USIU – Africa’s mission is to become a premier institution of academic excellence with a global perspective.

In 2019, USIU-Africa added a 40-seater accessible modern coach bus to its six-bus fleet. The addition was part of the transport fleet upgrade plan of the university, expected to lead to greater efficiency and address the growing needs of the expanding university population.

The bus is accompanied by a host of features such as USB charging, a modern entertainment system, reclining seats and a more powerful turbo-charged engine, designed to make lengthy bus journeys comfortable and exciting for the students.

Inside of a bus showing a wheelchair

However, the bus’ most striking feature is the hydraulic platform situated at the back. The platform – arguably the first of its kind on college buses in Kenya – enables passengers using wheelchairs to be lifted to the floor of the bus without having to leave their wheelchairs. The bus has the capacity to secure and transport up to seven passengers using wheelchairs on any given journey.

The accessible bus is a flagship pilot by the Administration Division of the university that takes lead in the implementation of the University’s Policy for Access of Persons with Disabilities, and Other Special Needs and drives the University’s objective of ensuring universal access to all campus services.

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